Ceramic material SOLUR 


Solur is ramming refractory material. It is used for production of shaped pieces, which are successfully used by processing non-ferrous metals.


  • low thermal conductivity
  • high thermal shock resistance
  • long life


Bulk density kg/m3 1200
Crushing strength (firing at 710°C) MPa 2
Bond type   hydraulic
Thermal conductivity (at 20°C) W/mK 0.30


Material SOLUR is supplied in a dry consistence in PE bags. It is necessary to ensure the perfect homogeneity during the mixing (mixing time - 3 minutes without water). The quantity of water and Tosil (liquid chemical component) which is necessary to add during the mixing depends on the mass of material (mixing time - 5 minutes with water). Drinking water is possible to use only. Application time - approximately 20 minutes (you must apply the material before starting of setting process). Please use recomended drying and killing curves.


Store this material in dry and closed places.

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